Learn about enhancements to the global filter bar and table visualization within stories, a redesign to the public catalog page, and Data.gov's birthday.
Gross General Fund receipts for April 2024 totaled $1,285.6 million, an decrease of $283.1 million or 28.2 percent compared to the same period last year.
Learn about a change to the publishing workflow, the U.S. Department of Commerce's work on guidelines and practices for AI, getting data right for AI & more.
Learn about improvements to tables and the related content tab, changes to how the feds will collect race data, NASA's approach to solar eclipse data, and more.
Property taxpayers within the state will receive a school, county and city budget year statement in their mail in late March from their County Auditor.
Gross General Fund receipts for February 2024 totaled $728.9 million, a decrease of $40.4 million or 5.3 percent compared to the same period last year.