Technical Assistance
Providing technical support to recipients of broadband grants administered by the Department of Management.
Grants Management Policies and Procedures
Discover essential Grants Management Guides above, outlining processes for successful public funds management. Updates may reflect best practices or changes in state or federal processes.
Technical Assistance Videos for Grant Recipients
The technical assistance videos listed below are designed to provide useful information to grantees of the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program.
Training for 2 CFR 200, the Uniform Guidance on federal grant administration, cost principles, and audit requirements. Video is accompanied by a PowerPoint Presentation on Training for 2 CFR 200.
DoIT NOFA 7 New Guidance Webinar by RSM
RSM staff review the NOFA 7 Amendment detailing changes to the grant agreement. Video is accompanied by a PowerPoint Presentation.
DoIT Advanced Payment Video
DoIT Advanced Payment technical assistance video from the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program. For more information visit the NOFA #7 Grant Guide.
DoIT Proof of Payments
OCIO Proof of Payments technical assistance video from the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program. For more information visit the NOFA #7 Grant Guide
DoIT Proof of Purchases Video
OCIO Proof of Purchase technical assistance video from the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program. For more information visit the NOFA #7 Grant Guide.
DoIT Quarterly Reporting (NOFA 7 only)
This video explains the quarterly submission report process for the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program. Link: QSR Lat/Long Template
DoIT Reimbursement
OCIO Reimbursement in NOFA #7 technical assistance video from the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program. For more information visit the NOFA #7 Grant Guide
DoIT Summary Invoice
OCIO Summary Invoice technical assistance video from the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program.
DoIT Time Reporting
OCIO Time Reporting technical assistance video from the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program. For more information visit the NOFA #7 Grant Guide
Noncompetitive Procurement Documentation
This document is provided as a resource for subrecipients contemplating a noncompetitive contractual relationship with a contractor under a federally-funded award (NOFA 7).
The acceptability of a noncompetitive procurement lies exclusively with the U.S. Department of Treasury. The OCIO will not approve noncompetitive procurements.
Noncompetitive Procurement Documentation
This document is provided as a resource for subrecipients contemplating a noncompetitive contractual relationship with a contractor under a federally-funded award (NOFA 7).