The Department of Management, Division of Information Technology manages broadband programs enhancing high-speed internet access in underserved areas.

Broadband Grants
Grants awarded to communications service providers to install broadband infrastructure that facilitates broadband service in targeted service areas.
Types of Broadband Grants
Frequently Asked Broadband Questions
Review the answers to questions from Iowans and Providers.
Dig Once Program
The program guarantees the chance to install fiber optic conduit during state-funded projects involving trenching, boring, bridges, roads, or ground opening, and alongside state-owned infrastructure.

Broadband Map
Identifies the locations and availability of broadband service in the State of Iowa as reported to DoIT by Communication Service Providers across the State of Iowa as of August 2, 2022.
Broadband Map (links)
Technical Assistance
Providing technical support to recipients of broadband grants administered by the Department of Management.

Previous Incentives Awarded
The map below shows all areas of the State of Iowa that have previously received incentives under Iowa's Broadband programs.