This month, we highlight an article outlining the Federal Office of Personnel Management's data strategy and goals. We also point you to how you can access the 2022 Census of Governments available from the U.S. Census Bureau. Now that updates related to alignment are complete - be sure to check the changes to ensure they are accurate. Lastly, learn more about the exploration canvas now that it is out of the beta program.

As always, check out upcoming live training sessions to improve your data skills, and as always explore the on-demand training options.

News, Updates & Tips

OPM looking to take agencies’ data innovations governmentwide

Federal News Network

After the Office of Personnel Management set data goals to reach over the next several years, the agency is looking for new ideas from other agencies to take to scale.

OPM’s fiscal 2023-2026 data strategy, initially released in May, hinges on developing proficiencies in data and analytics skills for the federal workforce, as well as using data to improve employee satisfaction and customer experience.

Read the Article

2022 Census of Governments

U.S. Census Bureau

The U.S. Census Bureau released the official count of state and local governments from the 2022 Census of Governments Organization component and a Public Use File on August 24th. Counts are presented by characteristics such as government type, state, population size groups, and function. The data also provide detailed characteristics of school systems, that include independent school districts and dependent school systems.

Read the Press Release

Cabinet & Non-Cabinet Department Structure

Iowa Data's internal and public data catalogs have been updated to reflect the new cabinet and non-cabinet department structure resulting from alignment. The publishing agency and attribution for all content on the platform have also been updated. This was completed the end of August. If you are owners of content on the data platform, please review your content to verify the changes are correct.

Exploration Canvas No Longer in Beta

Data & Insights Knowledge Base

While the exploration canvas has been available on Iowa Data for some time now, it has officially been taken out of the beta program and is fully supported. The exploration canvas is the most effective way to explore and shape data. Learn more about the official launch of the exploration canvas and what it means as well as its capabilities:

Upcoming Live Training

Get trained! The table below highlights upcoming live training available to state employees with an account on the Enterprise Data Platform.

DateStart TimeCourse
Sep 612 PMClean and Tidy Data
Sep 83 PMTransform Data with Socrata Query Language
Sep 1112 PMExplore Data with Charts
Sep 133 PMMap Your Data
Sep 1512 PMCreate Performance Measures
Sep 1810 AMTell a Story with Perspectives
Sep 203 PMCollaborate with Enterprise Data
Sep 2210 AMData Automation with Gateway and APIs
Sep 253 PMCreate and Manage Your Dataset
Sep 2710 AMShape & Join Data in Exploration Canvas
Sep 2912 PMTell a Story with Perspectives

View on demand training & access the training portal (Log-in Required).

Data Assets

A new report will be soon available on Iowa Data to provide greater insight into the private, internal and public data assets published on the platform. Our intent is to have it available for the next Data Snapshot.

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