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Lean Tool


SIPOC is a high-level, visual diagram (tool) for documenting all the relevant elements of a process. It is used to define: suppliers, inputs, outputs, and customers within a process SIPOC (also known as SIPOC-R) stands for:

  • Suppliers: Systems, people or organizations (internal or external) that provide the materials, technology or information necessary to make the process occur.
  • Inputs: Materials, information or other resources the suppliers provide that are consumed or transformed in the process.
  • Process: High-level actions or activities that transform the inputs into the outputs.
  • Outputs: Products or services that the process produces and the customer uses.
  • Customer: The main users of the process’s output
  • Requirements: Specifications for the inputs and output in a process which are necessary to complete the process from the viewpoint of the customer of the inputs or outputs.

Use When

  • Beginning an improvement project, to understand the basics that make up the process.
  • Determining the boundaries or scope of a project.
  • Gathering information that can be useful in building lower level process maps.
  • Recording collective knowledge about a process.
  • Defining a new process.

