This month's data snapshot highlights proposed roles and organizational hierarchy in the new Iowa Data Hub, and Grid View Deprecation on our existing platform.

Proposed Roles

While the new Iowa Data Hub is still under development, below are the proposed roles. Within the Iowa Data Hub, unauthenticated (public) users will only have access to content shared publicly.  While authenticated users will have access to content shared publicly and to content owned by or shared to the user’s assigned organization(s).

Proposed Data Hub Roles
Unauthenticated User
  • View datasets, looks (i.e., charts, maps, reports, etc.), dashboards and metadata.
  • Filter and sort dataset tables
  • Export data - original and filtered/sorted output
Standard User
  • Same as unauthenticated user
  • Save filtered/sorted view of looks/dashboards
  • Create, update, delete and save looks/dashboards
  • Schedule email notifications for datasets and looks/dashboards: newly shared, updated with refreshed data, data value thresholds
Enhanced User
  • Same as Standard User
  • Visibility to masked data
  • Publish looks and dashboards internally or publicly (requires approval by organization's Authorizer)
  • Same as Enhanced User
  • Upload raw and curated (with joins and transforms) datasets
  • Update and delete datasets and views
  • Create and update virtual views (containing joins, transformations and filtered data)
  • Update metadata
  • Schedule updates to datasets
  • Publish datasets and views internally or publicly (requires approval by organization's Authorizer)
  • Same as Publisher
  • Authorizes content owned by their organization (e.g., datasets, views, looks & dashboards) to be shared with other state organizations or publicly.
  • Approves user requests for role assignment in their organization.

Proposed Organizational Hierarchy

The organizational hierarchy in the new Iowa Data Hub will be utilized to assign ownership of content published as well as govern access to published content.  Users can be assigned a role within one or more organizations - the combination of the users role and organization will define what they can do, and what they have access to.  The proposed organizational hierarchy was based on the earlier review of published data assets and on organizational structures identified in operational plans submitted to the Department of Management.  We would ask all departments review this list for your organization to determine whether it needs to be modified by adding new organizations, removing any listed, or renaming those proposed.  Please see document under related files at the bottom of this page, and send recommended changes to Scott Vander Hart (contact information below).

Grid View Deprecation

Starting on January 15, 2025, the old Grid View will be removed from the existing Iowa Enterprise Data and Open Data platforms. Views that currently open in the old Grid View will be updated to open using the new Exploration Canvas (the new data shaping surface).  The majority of views will not be visibly impacted with this change.  However, conditional formatting will no longer be supported in views themselves.  Where conditional formatting is required, you will need to utilize table visualizations .  Additionally, any views that opened in the old Grid View will lose their hidden columns when upgraded. Any columns that are hidden on a view will be removed from the SELECT statement powering that view, and no longer available moving forward.  Columns can be added or removed using the column manager in the Exploration Canvas.